Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas List with Phu Mau

1.) Game Boy Color

I remember loving this as a child and I bet I'll still love it today! This always replaces the boring times and transform them to fun time playing the Legend of Zelda and Pokemon. Not sure what ever happened to mine; probably messed up by now in the attic. Well is by far one of the greatest gifts you can get for Christmas; I really want a Game Boy Color again!

2.) Flawless Filmers Christmas T-Shirt

Even though it's a bit the same as the logo t-shirt that I already ordered, it fits really nice for the Christmas spirit! And even though I'm that forever alone guy, if we ever needed a mistletoe, then there's a mistletoe on the shirt, so I could just put the shirt above between me and a girl. Intelligent level: Genius! Oh and I'm not going to make it count if the mistletoe is on top of my cartoon character or else it would be extremely awkward everywhere.

3.) Good Luck 2013

Good luck would be a bless to have for the new year. I've had a lot of rejections, failed almost all of my tests in school, increase of haters; I'm done with all of this. It would be nice to be liked for one year like in my middle school years; I was considered everyone's "best friend", I received a lot of friend requests, everyone knew who I was, and I was even a part of a love triangle. Why can't we have something that awesome happen again? Let's go, Good Luck 2013!

4.) Legend of Zelda for Game Boy Color

I would play on forever and ever with the Zelda games! They're my favorite for the Game Boy, Super Nintendo, and Nintendo 64. If I could ask for at least one Zelda game for the Game Boy it would be Link's Awakening because it was the very first Zelda game I ever played.

5.) HD PVR

After graduation, I want to often make game plays for Flawless Filmers, so in order to get really good games on film and not mess up the internet, I could use an HD PVR to film some really great games that I couldn't do before on the PC. Game plays I would have started would have been over Skyrim, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Assassin's Creed 2 and 3, and many more games you are familiar with. As an entertainer, I would make these game plays funny instead of just straight forward walk throughs.

6.) Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask

I recently finished Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64. Why not continue my journey by playing Majora's Mask? I am so ready to defeat more bosses!

7.) An Actual Hot Girlfriend Relationship

I think I only had one actual girlfriend out of my entire life who actually wanted to start good conversations about each other and not just themselves, actually cares where I am at, and actually spends time writing nice letters. Of course that was middle school times. It's been almost 5 years now and since then I've had my own relationships with my career. Romance level: Forever Alone. If this present were to ever come true, it would need to come after my senior year is over which is only 5 months away.

8.) Canon XA10 Camcorder

Yes I'm posting this photo of the Canon XA10 Camcorder again because it's so beautiful! I would really really love to have this camera to film our videos! If I had this camera, then I would have often work more on making music videos, get a very more enthusiastic personality in the videos, and get more people to act more in the videos because this camera gets absolutely beautiful stuff even at night. I like filming in the winter, so this camcorder would be very useful when time flies by to night.

9.) Film Studio with Equipments

We're already successful, but it would be nice to make even more awesome effective videos with green screens, higher quality camera, film slates to let people know when to actually start, etc. I would have totally spend 24/7 at a studio from my production.

10.) More Friends

It's REALLY hard to make friends in high school. Most students and some teachers could care less if I was social; all they would say is "alright" or "cool" or whatever. They tell me I don't talk much; yeah, that's complete bull. When I actually talk; they could rarely respond back. Oh yeah, you talk so much. Well the only friends I could make are in Flawless Filmers who are, of course, the rejects for school clubs even though we've been more successful than any of the clubs I've attended. I hope SCAD is a good college that's all about friendship.

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