Thursday, September 5, 2013

10 Things That Inspired Us To Be Flawless Filmers

1.) Legend of Zelda

Phu Cat and Choa The Lion? The hero who is the savior and the companion that gives advice? It should have been pretty obvious. Legend of Zelda is my favorite game series of all time since I first got my gameboy color and played Link's Awakening! That was back in 1998 I believe. I am proud to make this an inspiration to Flawless Filmers!

2.) Friends of the Past

An old friend delivered the name Phu Cat in November 2004. The old friends created that comedy and helped us pass it on to today! Sadly, most of those comedy jokes were stolen by most of the famous YouTubers, so we had to recreate our own jokes. Thanks to our old friends, we have this comedy routine going on Flawless Filmers!

3.) Goosebumps

These use to give me the creeps back in the 90s, but it was there to inspire us to make our videos a bit creepy/scary. Goosebumps helped us keep thought about what kind of evil characters we needed for Flawless Filmers.

4.) Spongebob Squarepants

Of course this show would inspire us to be comedians. You can catch a lot of the references in our videos. This show has been sticking with us since the late 90s and it has never gotten old! This show has shown us on Flawless Filmers what it friendship and comedy is all about!

5.) The 1990s

Yes! We're 90s kids! We love the old cartoons and shows that use to air on television! We reenact those moments on Flawless Filmers to remember them all! Video games, music, and technology overall is also included in this. Boo to growing up and hooray to childhood moments!

6.) Pokemon

Pokemon like Spongebob and LoZ, have showed us how much companionship really matters. We're talking the beginning of the Pokemon when Ash began getting his first starter Pokemons like Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. This goes back to 2002 when I first had Choa The Lion; he use to dislike me a lot until I started taking really good care of him and fed him all the time; now he's the happiest dog in the world and loves me like I'm a god. Those bro and hero memories will always be remembered by Pokemon.

7.) Time Squad

Don't remember this show? Well it aired back in the early 2000s for only two years. This show inspired us to make video ideas over the "History" subject and it has helped a few kids learn more about the History subject in their schools. This show made Flawless Filmers not only a comedy, but also educational.

8.) Adventure Time

This should have been pretty obvious too. The hero and bro. Finn The Human and Jake The Dog? Phu Cat and Choa The Lion? I know this description seems a little same as Legend of Zelda, but we all connect in the same way! All three series have a real connection on having good and evil characters! This show also inspired Flawless Filmers on the artwork we make!

9.) Regular Show

Remember the Viral Video Fail video? Yeah, someone actually guessed the reference correct in the comments! We made a reference to Regular Show from the trampoline episode! On Flawless Filmers, Instead of Pops, Loc was sent in the air and somehow became purple when he came back down to Earth. Regular Show has inspired us to become a comedy duo and to show what living the real life is like.

10.) High School

Although our school banned us from making videos in their area, we've done a lot of filming there with the help of a few awesome students! And the traditions like prom or having a bully really helped us out on ideas for the videos! Other than that, it made us giggle that they started their own film club after kicking us out and we heard that they aren't being as successful as they expected.

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