Saturday, March 2, 2013

How to have Phu Cat Swag

Male Top: Buy a denim long sleeve with yellow buttons or any buttons close to the color yellow. If you want to be exact, then buy Levi's brand which is around $30.

Female Top: Dressing up as the gender swap version of Phu Cat is basically the same way. Buy a black denim long sleeve like the male top and you're pretty much good to go; you could get the exact brand, but it'll probably be for males, but hey Pamela(gender swap of Phu Cat) would look awesome either way! Oh and also, have something like a yellow belt to wrap around the waist for exact appearance.

Male Bottom: Buy any sort of blue jeans you like as long as it's not incredibly baggy or incredibly tight; Phu likes to keep it at a moderation level with his awesome blue jeans. If you want to be exact, then buy Levi brand jeans.

Female Bottom: For Pamela, it's actually quite different with the fitting level. She keeps it cool with blue jeans that are tight. Not sure what could be exact for this, but I guess you could go with Levi's brand.

Male Shoes: Phu Cat wears Sperry's which means they're for awesome people right? They not for jocks you jerks! Nah just kidding about the jerks part. But you are awesome if you wear Sperry's just because of Phu Cat! You could also just get light brownish shoes because those are pretty close to Phu Cat's swag. If you want the exact brand, then Sketcher's is your choice.

Female Shoes: Pamela wears boots that are somewhat light brownish colored in order to make combat easier with the enemies. Pretty awesome right? I'm also not sure what exact brand to go with this either; just pick a pair of light brownish boots that look awesome and you are good to go!

Male Total $ Result: $100-$170

Female Total $ Result: $100-160 or if you have a more expensive taste, then it's around $100-$570

Male Final Results:

Female Results:

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